新关注 > 信息聚合 > 完善义务教育免试就近入学办法


Perfection compulsory exemption nearest school approach

2016-04-22 17:58:49来源: 新华报业网

中国江苏网4月22日讯 义务教育一直是大家关注的热点。我市将完善义务教育免试就近入学办法,对生源增加较多、随迁子女较多的地区,在扩展中小学建设用地、调剂教师编制等方面给予特殊政策。严禁义务教育阶段各...

China Jiangsu Network April 22 hearing of compulsory education has been the focus of attention. The city will improve compulsory exemption nearest school approach of students increased considerably, children or wife more areas, giving special policy on expansion of construction land for primary and secondary schools, teacher preparation and other transfers. Non-compulsory each ...