新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网约车新政草案出台:京沪均需本地户籍 深圳未强求

网约车新政草案出台:京沪均需本地户籍 深圳未强求

Network about the introduction of the new deal draft of the car: Beijing and Shanghai are required to local household registration Shenzhen did not demand

2016-10-09 00:06:43来源: 新华网

北京市交通委员会今日发布《北京市网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理实施细则(征求意见稿)》。《征求意见稿》提出,网约车驾驶员须为北京市户籍、取得北京核发的驾驶证件,年龄男60岁、女55岁以下。 2016-10-08 深圳市交通运输委官网发布《深圳市网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法(征求...

Beijing Municipal Communications Commission today issued the "Beijing network booking taxi operating service management implementation details (Draft)". "Draft" put forward, network about car drivers should be registered in Beijing City, Beijing issued driving documents issued by the age of 60 years old male, female 55 years old. 2016-10-08 Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Commission official website issued the Interim Measures for the management and service management of Shenzhen network booking taxi service...