新关注 > 信息聚合 > “我的微梦想”为留守儿童捐赠300套图书


"My tiny dream" for the left-behind children donate 300 sets of books

2016-07-25 09:53:46来源: 中青在线

公益中国网讯 2016年7月22日这一天,史家实验小学的四名学生代表特别高兴,因为他们终于可以和远方的朋友们见面了!以前,他们知道在祖国的其它地区有一群和他们一样大的孩子,因为家庭经济条件有限等原因...

Public online inquiry on July 22, 2016, on this day, historians experiment elementary school four students to represent special happy, because they can finally met with distant friends! Before, they know in other parts of the country a group as big as their children, because the reason such as the family economic conditions co., LTD...