新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年我国家庭人均财富为14万 你达标了吗

2015年我国家庭人均财富为14万 你达标了吗

Chinese family per capita wealth in 2015 to 140000 are you mark

2016-08-20 00:30:55来源: 搜狐

近期,由经济日报社中国经济趋势研究院编制的《中国家庭财富调查报告》显示,城乡家庭人均财富差异巨大,房产成为拉大城乡财富差距的主因。同时,近四成家庭选择"为子女教育"而存钱。 对于社会关注的养老问...

Recently, by the economic daily trend of China's economic research institute of the Chinese family wealth survey report shows that great differences of urban and rural family per capita wealth, property as the widening wealth gap between urban and rural areas. At the same time, nearly four family selection "for children education", and save money. Attention to social endowment ask...