新关注 > 信息聚合 > 岁月催人!家有儿女小演员如今都长大了


Years make people! The home has children young actors are grown up now

2016-10-03 21:04:37来源: 光明网

近日,名侦探赵五儿目击刚到从饭店出来的杨紫,只见她情绪激动,几次大声嚷嚷往回冲,似欲找人理论,都被身旁大姐拦下,这倔强的小脾气,真有几分邱莹莹的意思~而随后不久,同组演员舒畅也从饭店醉醺醺地出来。 《家有儿女》曾经陪伴中国观众度过了一段美好的时光,剧中每一位个性鲜明的演员都给观众留下...

Recently, the detective Zhao Wuer witness just to Andy from the hotel, saw her emotion, a few times yelling back flush, seemed to have it theory, have been big sister stopped beside this stubborn temper, really is somewhat Qiu Yingying meaning ~ but soon after, fellow actor also came out from the hotel drunkenly. "The home has children" once spent a good time with Chinese audiences, the play every personality is distinct actor left the audience...