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朗朗:小时候就知姓郎平的郎 姚明的手能弹琴

Lang Lang: a child will know the surname of Lang Lang Ping Yao hand can play the piano

2016-01-24 19:04:57来源: 网易

网易体育1月24日报道: 2015年体坛年度风云人物颁奖典礼1月24日在国家体育馆进行,作为表演和颁奖嘉宾,著名钢琴家朗朗接受网易体育的专访,谈到自己是个超级体育迷,最喜欢参与的运动是乒乓球,认为...

NEW YORK, January 24 reports: 2015 Sports Personality of the Year awards ceremony Jan. 24 at the National Stadium, as performers and presenters, the famous pianist Lang Lang to accept YORK interview, talking about himself as a super sports fan, most participate in sports like table tennis, I think ...