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贾静雯女儿戴圆框大眼镜卖萌 有点文艺气息

Four daughters round box big glasses show MOE A little artistic breath

2016-11-07 07:31:07来源: 环球网

咘咘 网易娱乐11月6日报道 据台湾媒体报道,近期节目《爸爸去哪儿4》中,打扮酷似丁小雨(阿拉蕾)的崔雅涵获得众多观众喜爱,而台湾“最小网红”咘咘也跟上潮流,5日和妈妈贾静雯一起学走路,后来戴上圆框大眼镜,变身丁小雨。 咘咘增添文艺气息,午后和妈妈贾静雯一起读书,看见黑白纹猫咪时...

咘 咘 netease entertainment on November 6 According to Taiwan media reports, the recent show "the dad where 4," dressed like Ding Xiaoyu Cui Yahan (Allah's) to get a lot of viewers, and Taiwan "minimum net red" 咘 咘 also keep up with the trend, 5 learning to walk, with her mom and four later put on the round box big glasses, turning Ding Xiaoyu. 咘 咘 add artistic breath, afternoon reading, with her mom and four saw black cat...