新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国老年文化艺术活动中心(烟台)培训基地今日揭牌


Elderly Chinese arts and culture center (yantai) training base today

2016-10-22 16:51:04来源: 水母网

水母网10月22日讯(记者 张奕 通讯员 郑晓军、刘丽)10月22日,中国老年文化艺术活动中心(烟台)培训基地揭牌仪式在芝罘区开元盛世活动中心隆重举行。全国老龄办巡视员闫青春和烟台市老龄办主任郭强共...

Jellyfish network - October 22 (reporter eve correspondent Frank zheng, liu li) on October 22nd, elderly Chinese arts and culture center (yantai) training base, the ceremony was held in the center of the zhifu age kaiyuan activity. The elderly do inspector yan youth and yantai aging kwok keung, director of the office...