新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成龙挥旗WEC上海站 中国车队首次亮相LMP2组

成龙挥旗WEC上海站 中国车队首次亮相LMP2组

Jackie Chan waving flag WEC ShangHai Railway Station Chinese team debut LMP2 group

2016-11-07 02:44:08来源: 中国新闻网

中新网上海11月6日电 (马化宇)2016年WEC世界耐力锦标赛上海站6日在上海奥迪国际赛车场进行,中国首支本土车队耀莱成龙DC Racing亮相LMP2组比赛。著名影星成龙作为车队共建人,出席当天车队的更名仪式。 今年WEC首次出现了中国车队的身影,由著名影星成龙、耀莱文化携车手程...

Shanghai Beijing, November 6, 2016 (Ma Huayu) WEC world Endurance Championship 6, ShangHai Railway Station in Shanghai Audi International Speedway, the first local team China McIlroy Jackie Chan DC Racing debut in group LMP2 match. Famous movie star Jackie Chan as the team to build people, attended the day of the team's name change. For the first time this year, the Chinese team WEC figure, by the famous movie star Jackie Chan, Yao Lai culture with the driver...