新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男子术后容貌尽毁 鼻子嘴巴脸颊逐渐腐烂消失(组..

男子术后容貌尽毁 鼻子嘴巴脸颊逐渐腐烂消失(组..

Man postoperative looks destroyed the nose and mouth cheek rot gradually disappeared (group..

2015-09-29 16:41:11来源: 南方网

关键字: 男子术后容貌尽毁 男子 无眼 容貌 鼻中隔弯曲 手术 症状 脸颊 治愈 医院检查 铁青 摘要: 男子术后容貌尽毁,51岁男子每天流三四次鼻血,去医院做了手术后容貌尽毁,没眼、没脸颊、没...

key words: postoperative man looks doomed man no eye looks septum curved surgical symptom cheek cure hospital livid Abstract: postoperative man looks destroyed, 51 year old man every day flow nosebleed three or four times, to the hospital after the surgery looks destroyed, but no eyes, no cheek, not...