新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天猫网购每两小时进账100亿 实惠商品京津冀全没货

天猫网购每两小时进账100亿 实惠商品京津冀全没货

Tmall online every two hours 10 billion beijing-tianjin-hebei affordable goods out of stock

2016-11-13 21:37:51来源: 环球网

经历了昨天的网购大战,一场快递大战已经燃起“战火”。本报记者 刘平摄 J163 截至昨天24时整,2016年天猫双11的总交易额锁定在“1207亿”。其中,无线交易额占比81.87%,覆盖235个国家和地区。全天数据出炉后,马云向媒体发表演讲表示,想把双11做到100年。 昨天零点起...

After yesterday's cyber war, war was ignited by a Courier "war". Our reporter Ping J163 taken as of yesterday when the whole 24, 2016, 11 Tmall double lock in the total volume of "120.7 billion". Among them, the wireless turnover accounted for 81.87%, covering 235 countries and regions. Data throughout the day after, Mr Ma said a speech to the media, want to do the double 11 100. Zero since yesterday...

标签: 天猫