新关注 > 信息聚合 > iOS预装软件多?谷歌称iPhone预装应用比Android多


The iOS software pre-installed? Google said the iPhone pre-installed application than Android

2016-11-13 01:49:35来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】也许在很多印象中,因为iOS系统的流畅性与优秀的体验,所以很多人会认为iOS系统预装软件一定会比Android系统少很多,然而事实上据谷歌在回应欧盟指责Android智能手...

】 【 PConline information may be in a lot of impression, because iOS fluency and good experience, so a lot of people will think iOS pre-installed software will be a lot less than the Android system, however, in fact, according to Google in response to the European Union accused the Android intelligent hand...

标签: 谷歌 iOS Android