新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小S再晒豪华探班照 呛声志玲姐姐要加油

小S再晒豪华探班照 呛声志玲姐姐要加油

And then the sun s luxury goings photos audibles Zhiling sister to refuel

2016-10-30 10:02:46来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,小S[微博]近来投入拍摄蔡康永[微博]新片《吃吃的爱》,与女主角林志玲[微博]不时较劲,从应援团到吃东西无一不比,今日她更在网上秀出《康熙来了》与《姐姐好饿》团队的豪华探...

Sina entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, s [micro-blog] [micro-blog] Kevin Tsai recently filming movie "eat love", and actress Lin Chiling [micro-blog] from time to time from rivalry, ouendan to eat without her online more than today show "luxury on Kangxi to the" and "sister hungry" team...