新关注 > 信息聚合 > VR背包成焦点 机械革命VR体验区遭围观

VR背包成焦点 机械革命VR体验区遭围观

VR backpack into a focus of the mechanical revolution VR experience area was onlookers

2016-11-16 14:23:54来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线报道:2016年11月13日,厦门酷玩展继续开馆展示。在中关村在线展区有一个展台每天都会有参观者排队围观,甚至还吸引了其他展台的模特佳丽趁着休息的时间过来排队,这个展台就是机械革命VR背包的展台。 从隔壁展台过来体验的模特 大屏幕同步显示VR画面 VR背包这个概念虽然很...

Zhongguancun online report: November 13, 2016, Xiamen exhibition exhibition opened to coldplay. In a Zhongguancun online exhibition booth every day visitors queuing crowd, and even attracted other booth models while the rest of the time Scarlett came to line up, the booth is mechanical revolution VR knapsack booth. From the next booth to experience the model large screen synchronization display VR screen VR backpack this concept although it is very...

标签: VR