新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电视剧《红旗漫卷西风》陕西举行发布会


TV series "red flag thrown into west conference held in shaanxi province

2016-10-11 08:26:19来源: 华商网

图说:《红旗漫卷西风》剧照 图IC 今天上午10点,在当年陕北红军英勇战斗过的地方,刘志丹、谢子长、习仲勋等老一辈无产阶段革命家创建陕甘边革命根据地的照金镇薛家寨,电视剧《红旗漫卷西风》主创人员在此怀着对红军将士崇敬的心情举行了别具一格的发布会。导演王飞带着演员们顶着寒冷的山风,面对...

Caption: "the red flag thrown into west wind" still figure IC 10 o 'clock in the morning today, fought bravely in northern shaanxi red army, zhi-dan liu, Xie Zichang, xi zhongxun stage of older generation proletariat revolutionaries created but so do dungans revolutionary base according to the gold town village, xue family drama "red flag thrown into the west wind" creative staff in the with the feelings of reverence for the red army soldiers held a unique conference. Director wang with actors against the cold wind in the face of...