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上投摩根规模重回千亿 基金业绩分化明显

Upthrow Morgan scale back billions of fund performance differentiation is obvious

2016-11-04 10:54:08来源: 中国网

三季度已经过去,与前两个季度相比,第三季度绝大多数基金都表现出赚钱效应,其中68%的普通股基产品为正收益,指数股基中79%产品为正收益。 在A股窄幅波动的背景下,基金经理对行情的把握就显得尤为重要,从基金来看,第三季度业绩排名靠前的主动股票型基金中,持股周期性行业的基金表现相对较好,...

Has in the past, in the third quarter compared with the first two quarters, the third quarter of the vast majority of funds are show that the effect to make money, 68% of the equity base products for benefits, 79% products for positive returns in the stock index base. Under the background of a-shares trading, the fund manager's mastery of the market is particularly important, from the point of fund, third-quarter earnings of the top active equity fund, the fund performance of cyclical industries are relatively good,...