新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛志愿者团队常年坚持为残障人士服务(图)


Qingdao perennial volunteer teams adhere to the service for the disabled (figure)

2016-10-07 16:56:08来源: 半岛网

在青岛,有这样一群人,他们是志愿者,他们常年默默地为那些残障人士服务,给他们送去爱心和温暖。像“爱心天使义工团”、“笑姐团队”,就是这许许多多的志愿者队伍中的一员,他们为岛城的爱心事业增光添彩。 ...

In Qingdao, there is a group of people, they are volunteers, they silently all the year round service for those people with disabilities, send them love and warmth. Like "love angel volunteer group", "laugh elder sister team," this is the one of the many volunteers, who honors to compassion enterprise for weapons. ...