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馆陶:深化医改处处惠民 赢得百姓张张笑脸

Guantao formation served: deepen the reform the people everywhere Win the people nervous smile

2016-12-28 23:21:50来源: 长城网

长城网邯郸12月28日讯(记者 武萌 通讯员 孙长林)馆陶县实施医改3年以来,特别是今年4月份被确定为河北省医改示范县以来,该县按照上级深化医改的总体要求,统筹推进县级公立医院医疗、医保、医药“三医...

The Great Wall network - handan December 28 (reporter Wu Meng correspondent Sun Changlin) guantao to implement health care for 3 years, especially in April this year was identified as health demonstration county, hebei province, the county according to the higher overall requirements of deepening reform, push forward the county level public hospital medical treatment, health care, medicine, "3 d...