新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不可思议!Intel 6年前老主板H61居然要涨价

不可思议!Intel 6年前老主板H61居然要涨价

It is beyond logic and above reason! Intel 6 years ago, the old motherboard H61 unexpectedly price increases

2017-07-17 16:47:15来源: 元器件交易网

比如说H61芯片组,2011年第一季度诞生的“老古董”了,65nm工艺制造,最早用来搭配第二代酷睿32nm Sandy Bridge,后来也支持第三代酷睿22nm Ivy Bridge,封装接口都是...

For example, H61 chip group, the first quarter of 2011, the birth of the "old", 65nm manufacturing process, the first to the second generation core 32nm Sandy Bridge collocation, later also support the third generation core 22nm Ivy Bridge package, the interface is...