新关注 > 信息聚合 > 面部识别方面 苹果目前被微软彻底打败

面部识别方面 苹果目前被微软彻底打败

Face recognition, apple is now completely defeated by Microsoft

2017-07-16 13:35:59来源: 电玩巴士

Seeing AI 应用程序在 iOS 平台上发布就像是在苹果的伤口中撒了一把盐。 近日,微软在部分地区的 App Store 上架了 Seeing AI 应用程序,让盲人或视力障碍者利用自己的...

The Seeing AI app is released on the iOS platform as if it were a salt in Apple's wound. Recently, Microsoft has rolled out Seeing AI applications in parts of the App Store, allowing blind or visually impaired people to take advantage of their own...

标签: 苹果 微软