新关注 > 信息聚合 > Ryzen 3默秒全 相关产品本月底发售

Ryzen 3默秒全 相关产品本月底发售

Ryzen 3 seconds all silent related products this month at the end of the sale

2017-07-15 08:24:38来源: 中关村在线

此前AMD新推出的Ryzen 5和Ryzen 7赢得了众多用户的口碑,虽然售价相比竞品便宜不少,但毕竟都在千元以上,很多只是用来办公的群体一直期待的Ryzen 3的到来。好消息是,就在7月27日,R...

After the AMD launch of the new Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 has won many users praise, although the price is a lot cheaper than competing products, but in more than 1000 yuan, many just used office group has been looking forward to the arrival of Ryzen 3. The good news is, in July 27th, R...