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微软科隆展计划公布 帝国时代将公布亦可赛艇新消息

Cologne fair Microsoft plans to release Age of empires will release can also rowing new message

2017-07-15 03:41:02来源: 新浪

作为目前世界上的三大游戏展会(E3、Gamescom、TGS)之一的德国科隆游戏展(Gamescom)将在今年8月开幕,而今年即将发售旗下的新主机XboxOne X的微软在昨晚宣布将在展会期间举办专场发布会。 期间微软将举办Xbox游戏的专场发布会,并放出新主机XboxOne X的体...

As the world's three big game show (E3, Gamescom, TGS) cologne, Germany, one of the game show (Gamescom) will kick off in August this year, this year is about to launch its new host XboxOne X last night announced that Microsoft will be held during the show special conference. Special conference will be held during the Microsoft Xbox game, and release the new host XboxOne X body...

标签: 微软