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MDL invitational LGD win! AGON love witness the king was born

2017-07-12 23:40:15来源: 中关村在线

胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍耻是男儿。 江东子弟多才俊,卷土重来未可知! 7月9日,DOTA2MDL国际精英邀请赛的总决赛在武汉光谷网球中心打响,LGD战队最终力败群雄成功登顶,上演了DOTA版的王者归来,而专业电竞品牌AGON爱攻作为赛事官方唯一指定用机,全程见证了最强王者的诞生。 ...

Military commander or things not period, package shame shame is a man. Jiangdong children much talent, return unknown! On July 9, DOTA2MDL international elite tournament finals, in the center of the wuhan optical valley tennis LGD team reached the top, eventually force defeated warlords staged DOTA version of the return of the king, and professional AGON love e-sports brand designated as the only official event with machine, the entire witness the birth of the most powerful king. ...