新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百万冒险家响应《我的世界》中国版MC家族集结令


Millions of adventurers response "my world" the Chinese version of the MC family gathering

2017-07-16 00:33:35来源: 新浪

导语:看主播花式玩《我的世界》、浏览资深玩家的科普介绍和游戏攻略,是很多中国玩家了解并且爱上《我的世界》的方式。日前,《我的世界》中国版已于7月14日开启PC Java版限号不删档测试,这些备受玩家喜爱的主播也集体发出“MC家族集结令”,邀百万玩家一起应援回家。玩家们在视频中为自己喜欢的...

Guide language: look at the host fancy playing "my world", browse the senior players of popular science is introduced and game strategy, is a lot of Chinese players know and fall in love with "my world". A few days ago, the Chinese edition of the my world has been opened on July 14, PC Java version number does not delete files limited testing, these are players like anchor is collective "MC family rally", to millions of players who go home together. Players in the video as you like...

标签: 我的世界