新关注 > 信息聚合 > EXTELLA》试玩屏摄流出 展示红Saber战斗英姿!

EXTELLA》试玩屏摄流出 展示红Saber战斗英姿!

EXTELLA demo screen was taken out Show the red Saber battle ying!

2017-07-16 23:43:47来源: 新浪

想必很多《Fate》的粉丝一定很期待Switch版的《Fate/EXTELLA》吧!近日,网上又曝出了一段2017 E3展会期间,Switch版《Fate/EXTELLA》的试玩屏摄,视频时长大约为...

Must have a lot of "Fate" of fans must be very looking forward to the Switch's version of "Fate/EXTELLA"!!!! Recently, the Internet has revealed a 2017 E3 during the exhibition, the Switch version of Fate/EXTELLA demo screen, video length is about...