新关注 > 信息聚合 > 下周沪深两市解禁市值近350亿元 环比增加三成多

下周沪深两市解禁市值近350亿元 环比增加三成多

Next week, the Shanghai and Shenzhen two cities lifted the market value of nearly 35 billion yuan, an increase of more than 30%

2017-07-16 19:58:22来源: 中国经济网


Chinese Economic Net Beijing on July 16th news according to the latest release of the Southwest Securities Research Center data show that the next week, the Shanghai and Shenzhen two city a total of 35 companies limit the sale of shares traded ban lifted shares totaling 2 billion 821 million shares, representing not ban restricted shares of 0.33% A. At the closing price of July 14th as standard...