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刷3000元买装备 济南又现“熊孩子”玩手游败家

Brush 3000 yuan to buy equipment Jinan again now "bear" children play mobile game doctrines

2017-07-17 10:23:02来源: 大众网

心理学家认为,孩子对手机、手游等电子产品上瘾,并非一朝一夕,游戏不是万恶之源,家长教育孩子前,首先要自省。 文/记者李雨 图/记者赵天羿。几天内3000多元被孩子买装备。首先家长自己不能在孩子面前玩...

Psychologists believe that child addicted to mobile phones, electronic products, such as the mobile game, is not, the game is not the root of all evil, parents education children before, the first thing to introspection. Article/reporter Li Yutu/reporter zhao days processing. A few days children has more than 3000 yuan to buy equipment. First of all, parents can not in front of the children of your own to play...

标签: 手游