新关注 > 信息聚合 > Intel新i7/i9国内买不到:海外货多到爆


Intel new i7/i9 domestic can not buy: overseas goods to burst

2017-07-17 16:49:14来源: 华商网

[摘要]本月5日开始,Intel新一代Kaby Lake-X、Skylake-X开始出货发售,前者包含i5-7640X i7-7740X两款,后者则是i7-7820X 7800X i9-7900X。 本月5日开始,Intel新一代Kaby Lake-X、Skylake-X开始出货发售...

[Abstract] beginning of 5 this month, Intel new generation Kaby, Lake-X, Skylake-X began shipping the sale, the former includes i5-7640X i7-7740X two, and the latter is i7-7820X 7800X i9-7900X. Beginning of 5 this month, the new generation of Kaby Lake-X, Skylake-X, Intel shipped on sale...