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开门鞭占了人行道 过往市民心惊胆战

Open the door to whip accounted for sidewalk past citizens frightened

2015-02-25 23:32:21来源: 青岛网络电视台

今天正式开始上班了,有不少单位企业,为了讨个吉利,会放开门鞭,往年惹了不少麻烦,那么今年的情况怎么样呢? 上午,记者在市区转了一圈,开业第一天,商家这开门鞭虽说不如往年红火,但为图吉利来上一挂的...

today officially began to work, there are many business units, in order to get a lucky, will open the door to whip, in previous years, a lot of trouble, then how about the situation this year? Morning, the reporter in the city in a circle, the first day of the opening, the door whip although business than in previous years, flourishing, but for Geely to a hanging...