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洛维透劝贾德森勿来华 中国足球水平不及圣保罗

Not to persuade Judson Lowe through China football than St Paul

2015-03-02 02:41:52来源: 搜狐

搜狐体育讯 北京时间3月2日,就在23小时前,巴西媒体《环球体育》刚刚对山东鲁能弃将洛维进行了专访。在专访中,针对前不久科林蒂安中场核心贾德森来华未果一事,洛维表示他曾劝阻科林蒂安十号放弃到中国冒险...

The Sohu sports news Beijing time on March 2nd, in 23 hours ago, Brazilian media "Universal Sports" just to Shandong Luneng abandoned Lowe had an exclusive interview. In the interview, shortly before the Corinthians midfielder Judson in China for failed a thing, Lowe said he tried to dissuade Corinthians 10 up to China Adventure...