新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产电影暑期档集体爆发 《捉妖记》登顶国产电影..

国产电影暑期档集体爆发 《捉妖记》登顶国产电影..

Domestic summer movie files collective outbreak "catch demon Ji summit domestic film..

2015-07-27 21:08:46来源: 新蓝网


core tip: after the break the Thai embarrassing" maintained a year and a half made films at the box office record, the Thai embarrassing "director Xu Zheng with his usual humor, in micro Bo issued a congratulations posters, and said, congratulations to the movie catch demon Ji, records are made to be broken! The success of the summit after "remember" catch demon, apparently did not stop...

标签: 电影