新关注 > 信息聚合 > 送餐员自称在外卖中加粪便 饿了么作出回应

送餐员自称在外卖中加粪便 饿了么作出回应

Room clerk who added waste to the take-away hungry to respond

2017-01-11 11:53:28来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】1月11日消息,因在送餐时与用户发生冲突,饿了么送餐员向用户发送短信,称在给该用户的配送餐品中加入了粪便。 送餐员自称在外卖中加粪便 饿了么作出回应 对此,饿了么在官方微博发布声明称,经调查,涉事配送员为某众包配送平台的一位骑手,在餐品中投放异物为诈称,已承诺将...

【 】 TechWeb reported on January 11, due to the conflict in the room with user, hungry? Room member to users send text messages, said to the user's distribution joined the waste products. Room clerk who added waste to the take-away hungry? Respond to this, the hungry, in the official weibo said in a statement, after investigation, involved with a member of a crowdsourcing distribution platform, a rider on the foreign bodies in the products for the arrogation, has promised to...