新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特朗普上台 中国人还能愉快地移民美国吗?

特朗普上台 中国人还能愉快地移民美国吗?

Trump to power the Chinese also can have the pleasure to immigrate to the United States?

2016-11-11 22:20:06来源: 中国新闻网

当地时间11月9日凌晨,唐纳德·特朗普宣布,希拉里·克林顿已经致电给他,祝贺他赢得2016美国总统大选。美国共和党总统候选人特朗普成功逆转选前的不利局面,击败民主党候选人希拉里·克林顿。 中国侨网11月11日电 据美国《侨报》报道,今年的美国大选尘埃落定,即使很多人还不愿意接受,但事...

Local time on November 9 in the morning, Donald trump announced that Hillary Clinton has called to him, congratulated him on his winning the 2016 us presidential election. Republican presidential candidate trump pre-election successfully reversed the adverse situation, to win over the democrat Hillary Clinton. China overseas Chinese net us qiaobao, nov 11 (Reuters) reports, this year's U.S. presidential election the dust settles, even though many people are still unwilling to accept, but...