新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球堵车第一城就它!一年浪费4天在路上


The world's first city of traffic jam it! A waste of 4 days a year on the road

2017-02-21 04:23:16来源: 中关村在线

今天,INRIX发布了全球交通指数,对去年的拥堵情况作了统计。 结果显示,洛杉矶成为最堵车的城市第一名,去年司机在高峰时段堵在路上的时间累计104小时,也就是超过了整整4天…… 第二是莫斯科,9...

Today, INRIX has released the global traffic index, making statistics on last year's congestion. The result shows that Losangeles has become the first traffic jam city. Last year, the driver spent 104 hours blocking the road on rush hour, that is more than 4 days. Second is Moscow, 9...