新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017(春季)广东时装周唱起“整合”旋律


Guangdong fashion week (spring 2017) singing melody "integration"

2017-03-12 02:06:52来源: 中国新闻网

中新网广州3月11日电 (王华 韶通)正在广州举行的2017广东时装周-春季11日落幕,时装周除了带来最热门的时尚设计、靓衫靓人,还屡屡上演产业整合的戏码,从设计到零售均纷纷寻求联手,拓展事业空间。...

Beijing, guangzhou, March 11 (xinhua wang hua shun tong) spring is held in guangzhou of guangdong fashion week 2017-11, apart from providing the hottest fashion week, fashion design, beautiful people, beautiful unlined upper garment also have industry consolidation, from design to retail have sought to expand the business space. ...