新关注 > 信息聚合 > 开学装机微星N750PE 1GD5/OC显卡售740

开学装机微星N750PE 1GD5/OC显卡售740

Start loading machine MSI N750PE 1GD5/OC card sales 740

2015-09-01 01:07:22来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline太原站行情】微星 N750 PE 1GD5/OC显卡基于VIDIA GeForce GTX 750显示核心,支持最新的PCI Express Gen 3规格,不仅温度更低,效率更高...

[pconline Taiyuan station market] MSI N750 PE 1GD5/OC graphics Vidia geforce GTX 750 core based on, support the new PCI Express Gen 3 specifications, not only lower temperature and higher efficiency.