新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米自曝MIUI 8:设计灵感来自于它

小米自曝MIUI 8:设计灵感来自于它

Millet exposed MIUI 8: design inspiration from it

2016-05-07 13:52:40来源: 华商网

[摘要]主视觉图是由各种形状拼在一起构成数字8,也代表了此次发布会的主角之一MIUI 8系统。色彩选择上和此前的MIUI 7有些相似,不同的色块巧妙搭配,寓意着MIUI 8的缤纷绽放。 5月10...

[Abstract] the main visual map is composed of a variety of shapes together constitute the figure 8, also represents one of the leading role of the conference MIUI 8 system. The choice of color and the previous MIUI 7 is somewhat similar, different color clever collocation, meaning the MIUI 8 colorful bloom. May 10...