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社交短视频时代 微博陌陌先后有大动作

Era of social short video microblogging Mo Mo has big

2015-11-24 21:54:08来源: 新浪

新浪科技 李根 图片社交在中国没有土壤,不过不重要,我们可以直接跨进短视频社交的时代。 11月24日下午,秒拍和小咖秀的母公司一下科技宣布完成由新浪微博领投,红杉资本、韩国YG娱乐等投资机构跟投的2亿美元D轮融资。投资方之一新浪董事长兼CEO、微博董事长曹国伟在现场表示,互联网已...

sina science and technology Lee pictures social in China there is no soil, but it does not matter, we can directly into a short video social networking era. The afternoon of November 24, second shot and small coffee show's parent company technology announced completed by Sina Weibo lead investor, Sequoia Capital, Korea YG entertainment and other institutional investors with investment of 2 billion D round of financing. Sina chairman and CEO, chairman of the microblogging Cao Guowei, said the Internet has been...

标签: 视频 社交