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科比将出战本周背靠背 真是最后1季?1场不想缺

Kobe will play back-to-back this week is really the last 1 quarters of 1? Don't want to

2015-11-10 00:56:29来源: 新浪

这真的是科比的最后一季吗? 新浪体育讯 北京时间11月10日,据《洛杉矶每日新闻》报道,尽管湖人队当家球星科比在本赛季的出场时间会受到限制,但是湖人主帅斯科特仍计划让科比参加本周与热火队和魔术队...

missing this really is Kobe's last season? Sina sports news Beijing time in November 10th, according to the Losangeles Daily News reported that, despite the Lakers team headed star Kobe in the season's appearance time will be limited, but Lakers coach Scott still plans to let Kobe take part in this week with the heat and magic...