新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电子显微镜下的防霾口罩


Electron microscope the haze of masks

2017-01-11 14:16:00来源: 中工网

口罩第一层 口罩第二层 口罩第三层 本期策划:李环宇 上周持续的空气重污染橙色预警,成为街头巷尾最引人关注的话题。就普通市民而言,应对雾霾,除了减少室外活动,最直接简便的防护手段就是佩戴防护口罩,做好个人防护措施。 然而不少市民发现,洁白的防护口罩戴几天之后就会发黑,让人...

The first layer masks masks the second mask layer 3 current planning: li huanyu continuous heavy air pollution orange alert last week, become the most interesting topics on street corners. In terms of ordinary citizens, deal with fog, in addition to reduce the outdoor activity, the most direct and easy means of protection is wearing a respirator, personal protective measures. However, many people found that white respirator wear after a few days will be black, let a person...