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西部建设成今年第一牛股 “炒地图”行情再现

Western construction into the first winners "map" market

2017-03-29 09:44:57来源: 新浪

证券时报记者 钟恬 新疆板块自上周以来涨幅可观,龙头股西部建设更是独领风骚。该股在连续四个涨停之后,昨日再度上冲创历史新高,成为今年第一大牛股(不计上市一年内的次新股)。在新疆板块的带动下,昨日...

The securities times reporter Zhong Tian xinjiang plate substantially higher since last week, bellwether western construction is clueless. The stock after four consecutive harden again yesterday at a record high, become the first big winners this year (excluding listed within a year of new shares). In xinjiang plates, yesterday...