新关注 > 信息聚合 > 葡媒:恒大国安华夏争葡超锋霸 球队物色替代者

葡媒:恒大国安华夏争葡超锋霸 球队物色替代者

Portuguese media: Evergrande guoan huaxia for Portuguese team looking for replacement in the front

2017-01-14 02:09:27来源: 华体网

北京时间1月13日消息,据葡萄牙媒体《DN》报道,有三支中超球队目前有意葡超豪门本菲卡前锋劳尔·吉梅内斯,他们是广州恒大、北京国安以及河北华夏幸福。不过目前并未有相关报价的消息。 昨日,《马卡报...

Beijing time on January 13, news, according to the Portuguese media "DN" report, there are three Chinese super team is interested in the Portuguese giants benfica striker raul Jimenez, they are guangzhou Evergrande, Beijing guoan and hebei huaxia happiness. But it does not have relevant quotation. Yesterday, the marca...