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Wealthy daughter family portrait Zhuge Zi Qi caesarean section exposure

2013-12-04 12:16:38来源: 中国青年网

豪门儿媳诸葛梓岐剖腹产子全家福曝光 诸葛梓岐怀抱儿子 新浪娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道,豪门贵妇诸葛紫岐剖腹产子,宝宝早于预产期20多天出世,重约2.72公斤,十分健康。 诸葛梓岐与薛嘉麟的“冰岐麟”抢闸提早跟大家见面,原本预产期在圣诞节,日前Marie突然肚痛,与老公到医院看急症时...

wealthy daughter Marie Zhuge caesarean section Zhuge Zi Qi exposure embrace family portrait son LOS ANGELES According to Hong Kong media reports, wealthy lady Zhu Ge Ziqi caesarean section, the baby earlier than the expected date of 20 Multi-day birth, weighing about 2.72 kg, very healthy. Zhuge Zi Qi and Xue Jialin "ice Qi Lin" strike first meet with you earlier, the original pre-production period at Christmas, Marie sudden abdominal pain before, during and her husband to the hospital emergency ...