新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《跟掌门学养生》:青城太极巧治肩周炎


"Health" with head: Qingcheng Taiji Qiaozhi periarthritis of shoulder

2014-06-13 16:16:08来源: 中新山西网

文刘绥滨 肩周炎这个病,是我所识之人中所患最多的一种病。之前患这种病的人以老年人居多,但近些年来,肩周炎逐渐开始光顾年轻人了,这都是因为生活习惯不好造成的。 国家高级按摩师钟莲,就是因为肩...

Wen Liu Suibin periarthritis of shoulder this disease, is a disease that afflicted me most of the general people. Before the majority of the people suffering from this disease in the elderly, but in recent years, periarthritis of shoulder gradually began to patronize the young man, this is all because of bad habits caused by. The national senior massagist Zhong Lian, it is because the shoulder...