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Cocos 引擎创始人王哲:选择和努力一样重要

Cocos engine founder Wang Zhe: choice is as important as hard

2017-12-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王哲有两年没写程序了。写了十几年代码的高手突然不敲代码了,这个选择让他很是痛苦过一段时间。但在程序员王哲变成 CEO 王哲的过程里,这种痛苦是不可避免的。 等他渐渐发现自己“对外工作越来越多”,日程表里被演讲、商务洽谈和企业推广排满的时候,自己负责的程序模块已经跟不上版本更新的进度了。有那么一段时间,Cocos 引擎的版本计划要等着这位创始人写完自己的部分才能发布。“后来同事就说,你这个 CEO 怎么又在写代码”,王哲也觉得自己耽误了大家的进度。2015 年,他下了决心,不写了,专心当好公司管理者。 两年之后, 这家创业公司拿到了 Pre-A 轮的投资,Cocos 引擎创始人、雅基软...

Wang Zhe have not write programs for two years. Wrote more than a decade of code master suddenly don't knock on the code, this option makes his miserable for a period of time. However, in the process of programmers Wang Zhe become CEO Wang Zhe, this pain is inevitable. He found himself gradually such as "external work more and more," in the calendar was speech, business negotiation and enterprise to promote full, his program module in charge has been behind the version update schedule. For a while, the Cocos engine version of the plan to wait for the founder finished his part to release. "Then colleagues said, you how the CEO and write code", Wang Zhe feel delayed everybody's schedule. In 2015, he was determined, and don't write, focus on being a good company managers. Two years later, the startup received Pre - A round of investment, the Cocos engine founder, yaki soft...