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全智贤金秀贤面对三星星光派对进退两难 哀悼为何..

Jeon Ji Hyun Jin Xiuxian Samsung Star Party faced a dilemma condolences why ..

2014-04-19 08:22:14来源: 中国娱乐网

三星电子面对18日中国的Galaxy星光派对站在了非常尴尬的立场 三星电子本想通过“韩流大势”全智贤与金秀贤准备了大型的宣传活动。然而,随着珍岛客轮的沉没事件,全韩国国民都陷入了一片阴沉。 在此之前,三星电子大肆宣传了,将于18日下午在中国北京钻石球场举行三星智能手机Galaxy S...

Samsung Galaxy face of China's 18th Street Party stood a very awkward position by Samsung wanted to "Hallyu trend" Gianna Jun and Jin Xiuxian prepared large-scale promotional activities. However, with the Jindo ferry sinking of the South Korean people are caught in a wholly gloomy one. Prior to this, Samsung Electronics hype, and will be held on the Samsung Galaxy smartphone Diamond Stadium in Beijing, China, 18 pm S. ..

标签: 三星