新关注 > 信息聚合 > 香港海关查获珍稀鸟类头骨:比象牙贵3倍


Hong Kong customs seized rare birds skull: three times more expensive than ivory

2016-09-08 18:44:45来源: 新浪

原标题:香港海关查获珍稀鸟类头骨:比象牙贵3倍 前段时间,香港海关查获了一批走私品,物品的形状很特殊,黄色部分尖尖的,底部红色的地方相当厚实。 海关仔细搜查后发现了更多类似的东西,色泽非常好...

The original title: Hong Kong customs seized rare birds skull: three times more expensive than ivory Recently, the Hong Kong customs seized a batch of contraband, the shape of the goods is very special, yellow sharp, fairly thick at the bottom of the red place. Customs searched after found more similar things, colour and lustre is very good...