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姚晨林志玲领衔 娱乐圈大器晚成的明星

Chen Yao Lin Chiling led the entertainment circle was a late bloomer star

2014-05-02 19:47:58来源: 山东新闻网

陈妍希 海外留学归来便加入演艺圈的陈妍希出演过《不良笑花》等电视剧,但都属于女二号的边缘人物,直到28岁出演了《那些年我们一起追的女孩》才日渐发热,大红大紫,可谓是出名年龄偏小的台湾演员中大器晚...

Michelle Chen from overseas will join the showbiz Michelle Chen starred in "bad smile flower" and other TV series, but all of them belong to the female two fringe figure, until the age of 28 in "those years we were chasing the girl" is in the limelight of fever, it is a big famous, for age of smaller Taiwan actor in the late...