新关注 > 信息聚合 > 把钱转进余额宝并不能躲开手续费!三张图告诉你正确的避费姿势


Turn money into the balance of treasure and can't avoid fees! Three picture to tell you the correct cost avoidance

2016-09-12 16:05:26来源: TECH2IPO创见

懒得看文章的各位,请直接拉到下方看图片解释。2016 年 9 月 12 日午间,支付宝「作出了一个不算容易的决定」。继微信之后,支付宝宣布,从 2016 年 10 月 12 日起,支付宝将对个人用户的提现行为收取千分之一的服务费,最低 0.1 元。当然,与微信类似,支付宝也提供了一定的免费提现额度——准确说是 20000 元,远高于微信的 1000 元,并且可以用蚂蚁积分兑换更高的免费提现额度。消息一出,一片哗然。曾因微信提现收费而「逃跑」「转移」至支付宝寻求庇护的用户不开心了,因为这片阵地也将变为提现收费的灾区。但,于此同时,也有大量媒体跳出来抚慰人心:「别着急,余额宝提现是免费的」。一时之...

Too lazy to see articles, ladies and gentlemen, please directly to look at the pictures below. On September 12, 2016 at noon, pay treasure "made a not easy decision. After WeChat, alipay announced that starting from October 12, 2016, pay treasure to a service charge of one over one thousand of the withdrawal behavior of individual users, lowest 0.1 yuan. , of course, like WeChat, pay treasure to offer some free withdrawal lines - yes, accurate, 20000 yuan, much higher than WeChat 1000 yuan, and can use the ant points for higher free withdrawal limit. The news, an uproar. Ceng Yinwei letter withdrawal fee and "escape" and "transfer" to pay treasure to seek asylum users do not happy, because this position will also become a withdrawal fee in the disaster areas. But, at the same time, also have a lot of media jump out to comfort the heart: "don't try so hard, the balance of treasure withdrawal is free". At that time of the...