新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日神吐槽:萨基石因毛巾舞少了 导致排名下降

今日神吐槽:萨基石因毛巾舞少了 导致排名下降

Today God Tucao: SA cornerstone for towel dance less lead to lower rankings

2015-09-24 17:10:48来源: 新浪

基石 新浪体育讯 吐槽不停,欢乐不止!新浪NBA神吐槽栏目继续登场! @虎扑基哥:欧文1992年3月出生,我1992年2月出生,欧文年薪1800万美元,我年薪。。。。(说不出口),欧文私生子,...

cornerstone of the sina sports dispatch Tucao non-stop, joy more than! Sina NBA God Tucao column continues to debut! Tiger Erwin was born in March 1992, I was born in February 1992, Erwin annual salary of $18000000, my annual salary.... (said not to export), Erwin bastard,...